Lily’s News

Thank you for visiting Lily’s Cocoon!

Happy New Year!!!

With that being said, we are over here cranking out new pieces. I’m looking forward to spending more time not only creating jewelry, playing with yarn, and getting into the yoga studio more often, but also logging into my website to make sure you can see what I’ve been working on too.



Lily’s Cocoon Gets Featured!!!

I am excited to announce that Lily’s Cocoon has been featured in Shoutout Colorado, an online magazine that focuses on highlighting local artists. Here is the link to follow to read my interview.

Be looking out for all that makes Lily’s Cocoon so special. Definitely will be creating a lot of new jewelry pieces, putting the Cricut to work, and filling the old greeting card box up. 

Here is a little of what is on my plate this winter…

Dish cloths and scrubbies are here!!!

  • Working on fun blogs that combine all that Lily’s Cocoon has to offer: jewelry, gemstone meanings, yoga/reiki care, and the power of essential oils.
  • Making fun tumblers and beer can glasses with the Cricut. Currently these are being made by custom order!!! Feel free to send me a message more more details/to place an order.
  • Very excited to spend more time on my website too. I want to make this a place where I can share my passion with you all…Enjoy!

Looking for more Lily’s Cocoon pieces for sale?

You can follow the link below to my Instagram page to see my entire catalog of all my creations and place orders!

Like my Instagram page at for updates on workshops and jewelry. If you have any questions, want a special order, or to schedule a private yoga/Reiki session, contact me via the contact form above.

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